Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Entry 3: Emotional Reaction

A section that I connect with in Bossypants is a chapter called Young Men’s Christian Association. This chapter is about the time Tina Fey spent working at the front desk of the YMCA. She describes that YMCA as “the epicenter of all human grimness” (69). After getting out of college, the only job Ms. Fey can get is at the YMCA, which is a job she is extremely overqualified for. She has to spend all day dealing with annoying coworkers and condescension from bosses and members of the Y. After getting an education she is stuck with a job she does not like doing.
                This chapter made me think about whether going to college is really worth it in the end. There is a lot of competition when it comes to getting a job these days, and this chapter made me reflect on what my life might be like after getting out of high school. I still have no idea what I want to do when I grow up, and I do not want to spend years in college only to have to work somewhere grim and boring like Burger King or the YMCA.
                While her college education did not help Tina Fey find an amazing job at first, it did help her finally to move on from the front desk. Ms. Fey talks about how she and a co-worker named Donna always envied the people who had office jobs at the Y. One day one of these jobs opened up and both Tina and her co-worker wanted it, but in the end Tina Fey landed the job because of her college education. While going to college might not always get a person their dream job, it may give them a leg up in society and be beneficial in the long run.
Word count- 302

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